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My Beautiful World
Monday, September 13, 2010

I give up posting le...
Now my holiday homework is not even half done! =(
During the holiday i slacked =P
and i went for SGCC stage 2
super joke =D
Me, xingying and eelynn had to make a game in just 4 days =O
then we went xingying's house and ended up playing maple.... =.=
eelynn managed to level up until 30 then she super happy
Mine is stuck still at 50 =.=
and so... We cannot finish in time!
This thing lasted for 5/6 days in the holiday... T.T
How i wish we can get top 3 >=D
even though ours is quite lousy =(


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yo! back =) no blacklist update this time =)

I'm sick! =( but luckily not really serious =)

1 june =)
went out to nanyang poly with xingying, eelynn, mr wong and other ppl
we took the back seats on the journey
then the middle seat dang cold with lots of air con blowing toward the side=)
I like cold so i went there and sat
when playing tap tap with xingying on eelynn's iphone,
my hands frosted until cannot press properly
they provide lunch and we eat finish,take 2nd servings and eat again
sadly, the fishball ran out really fast =(
I onli ate 3 =(
the food was quite nice de =)
During the 20 mins break, we knew that inside the poly got macdonalds and we went there to eat =)
I forgot that the break was onli 20 mins and i bought mcspicy upsize meal
eat the shaker fries and drank coke and was dang full that my stomach almost explode
no choice have to keep the burger for dinner =)
other than that the whole thing was super boring

2 june =)
Went to school for a briefing from mr wong
reached very punctually at around 8.55pm
walk around the com labs cannot find mr wong
xingying came and we walk walk walk then decided to wait outside com lab 3
then i squat down and read my storybook
xingying used the table to do hw
super unglam =/
eelynn came and we walk around again and then went to the 2nd floor staff room
cannot find a number to contact him
then we walk down and there comes mr wong at 9.40pm
we stalk him back to the com lab and he suddenly turn around
we got shock and stoned a while
and he was like where is the key
he call ppl, he walk to the GO, and then after a while he came back and unlock the door
we got to play games =)
then when i reach home,
i check my phone and on 9am he sms me and said
"pls tell the members that i will reach at around 9.45am..."

3 june
a boring day at home

4 june
went to school for CCA stuff [must wear full u =(]
suppose to usher ppl for the science teacher seminar
but there are 3 events going on
then we are suppose to approach the adults and ask them whether they are attending the science teacher seminar and lead them there
super embarrassing and most of them are "no"
then we ushered them to other events also instead =.="
then very very very boring =(
after that need to untie the structure we made
then it rained...
at the end reach home at 5+pm

5 june
another boring day at home...

6 june
went to concert
had a fun time =) with rachel lee and xingying =D

ehh... no more time to post and thats all =D

Quote of the day: I hate holiday hws!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good girl wants to turn bad =)

I'm seriously bored of hearing people saying that i'm so innocent,
and they shouldn't tell me this or that ><
i hate people keeping secrets from me =(
pls feed me with ur secrets to make me happy

today went out with rachel,juiping,kailin,yuting to jp to eat lunch.
sadly, xingying couldn't come =(
turns out, me,kailin,yuting are the onli ones eating.
juiping was playing yuting's iphone
poor rachel was standing there accompanying us =P

today's exam was BAD!
i almost could not finish that and
have to anyhow scribble the last few ans.
T.T I want take triple science...
with this kind of standards...
i wouldn't be able to do so =(
too bad to me then...
i would have to take year end exam =(

I love computer lesson.
I love flash!

I would so much prefer doing c=flash project than any other hws.
sadly, my parents don't allow me
cause got SA1 =(
i hate this kind of arrangement lorhh...
I prefer to go home right after exam,
and the exam period be shorter,
and we don't have to have any CCA commitment.
got campfire trial on 9 may, have to finish most of the items at that date,
and must finish the dance item...
seriously hate dancing....

i would very much prefer to be a tigress =)

Quote of the day: Exam is boring =(
Monday, April 26, 2010

Blacklist updated! A new coloumn under blacklist =)

school was okay but quite tiring =)
for example today i fell down T.T (won't elaborate any futher)
i still have lots of assignments waiting for me...
didn't quite study for exam =(
ended up resulted were really bad and disappointing...
must start mugging now...
but its quite impossible for me to sit there and stare at papers =P

got new CCA tee =)
the design quite nice ^^
then a level tee for CCA is coming up =)
so looking forward to it ^^
(even though i don't know whats the design is like)

I miss malaysia food =(
eating the same thing again and again is not nice at all,
especially when the food is not that nice,
and u cannot eat fast food everyday =(

sorry for not posting for such a long time =(
i would try to post more after exam XD

That's all

Quote of the day: be happy
Sunday, April 4, 2010

very long long long long time nv post ><
cause i didn't have the time to do so
hmm... just realised that the blacklist needs updating
hehe... now about what happened during 1st of april...

Me: Eelynn! There's a centipede on the floor!
Eelynn *stares at the floor for a long time*
I was puzzled and looked down....
turns out that there was really a centipede....=.="

Cindy: Haoyi, u very handsome lerhh. happy april fool's day.
Haoyi:*shocked* stares at cindy and responded 1 minute later
Me: *laughs*

That was really really funny =D
some people even believed there's something on ur back/hair
and they went scatching and shaking their head/back...

err nothing much to post...
i haven't study for test yet x.x
too obsessed with facebook and manga...

Quote of the day:BE HAPPY!=D
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Currently thinking how to complete the read and write assignment... 0.0
its so difficult...
i haven't really started on my homework yet =(
feels so lazy and don't feel like doing homework at all =(

Yesterday went out with my sisters to watch alicw in wonderland 3D version=.="
went all the way to bugis cause the cinema is cleaner.....
missed the 2pm one and had to go for the 4.30pm one...

Reached home at 7.30pm and had to go out for dinner...
went to a japanese restaurant and the food there was okay....

Reached home at about 9+pm,
went directly to bed and dropped and fell asleep...

tmr had to go out to a friend's house to do CID. 0.0
feel really tired... =(

Quote of the day: I hate homework!=(
Monday, March 15, 2010

Blacklist updated =P

UG camp was okay compared to the one last year =)
I fell down and my muscle aches =(
then i feel super tired *yawn*=0
but my parents still did not let me sleep a lot =(

yesterday I slept at 2+pm till 7+pm
anad they woke me up to go imm eat dinner =(
then i had no appetite and looked like a ghost.
then slept at 12+am

today woke up at 7.30am
and I slept a nap from 5pm to 10+pm
then they woke me up for dinner again =(
I was like super irritated
they tried to wake me up many times before that and i still could not wake up =(

Details about ug camp =)

Did countless of:
-jumping jacks
-ma bu

during the ug camp games...
theres a part where we haave to crawl across the field =.="
we didn't know that before the ug camp started...
so very little people bring long pants...
so as to standardise it...
everyone would wear shorts for that...
it was super unfair =(
cause the synthetic grass was quite pricky and hot under the blazing sun =(
and cause other ugs got wear long pants and they could not feel the pain >.<

during the candlelight night,
our CCA did not win anything =(
so sad =(
btw, onli our year 4s this year is pro in dancing =)
they won the best performance last year and did not take part this year =)
for the CCA leader performing part,
the front 2 girls is my CCA leaders =)
they very pro right =)
the year 5 seniors came back and when that thing ended,
we got kind of high and started holding hands
then when someone chiong out,
and one part of the circle will break =)
they will pull others with them =)
then it was super chaotic
and a year 1 fell down =(
oopsy =X
then i almost tripped over my flag =(
luckily both people beside me held on to me =)

gtg now =)
i slept really little for ug camp =(
sleep sleep time...
OMG! i just realised that i haven't start on my hw yet! =(

Quote of the day: I need my 12 hrs of continuous sleep =(